11月9日,因“虐童事件”引发诸多关注的上海携程亲子园停业整顿。上海警方已派员到场控制涉事的4名工作人员,其中3人被刑事拘留。 上海携程亲子园9日起停业整顿。(图片来源:中新网)
China's largest online travel service platform Ctrip said on Wednesday it has reported a child abuse case at its affiliated day-care center in Shanghai and has fired those responsible. 我国最大的在线旅游服务平台携程8日称,对发生在该公司上海亲子园的虐童事件已作报案处理,涉事人员已被解雇。 "There was gross negligence by some teachers at the day-care center, which ctrip.com entrusted to a third party to manage. The company has reported the case to the police and will stand with the parents in holding those responsible accountable," Ctrip said in a statement. 携程在一份声明中称:其委托第三方管理的亲子园发生个别教师严重失职的情况,公司已作报警处理,将和父母们站在一起,对责任人员追责到底。 11月8日,携程亲子园(day-care center)教师虐待儿童的视频(videos of child abuse)被上传至社交媒体,引发家长和网友的极大愤慨(creating an outcry from parents and netizens)。视频中,教师给孩子穿衣脱衣时动作粗暴,一些孩子甚至摔倒并撞到桌角(Some children even fell down and bumped their head on the corner of a table)。一些孩子被强迫吞食不明物,一直哭,后来发现孩子们被喂食的是芥末。
事发班级为彩虹班,均为1岁半到2岁的小朋友(children aged from 18 months to 24 months)。携程计算机(上海)有限公司开办了仅招收携程员工子女的亲子园,并委托上海《现代家庭》杂志社读者服务部(为了孩子学苑)日常管理运营。事发后,携程人力资源管理部门正在代管亲子园。 “We’ll provide physical check-ups and psychological services as needed to children and their families to minimize the negative impact,” read the statement. 携程在声明中表示,“我们将为涉事儿童及其家人提供身体检查和必要的心理辅导服务,已将此次事件的负面影响最小化。” 上海市妇女联合会方面9日凌晨表示,对“携程亲子园事件”强烈谴责,并密切关注后续进展(pay close attention to the follow-up)。上海《现代家庭》杂志社读者服务部(为了孩子学苑)已发表公开致歉信(issue public apology),表示将深刻反省(do self-examination)、弥补漏洞(make up for loopholes),坚决杜绝此类事件再度发生,并诚挚接受社会监督(accept public supervision)。